Is it a smooth rev or does it idle pretty good then stutter as you try
to bring the revs up. I had a stuck float in the front carb after the
car sat a few weeks. It wouldn't rev and was sorta rough as it came up
the revs. I pulled the plug wires from the dizzy, cut the ends and
reinstalled and checked all connections and the points etc. ( Be sure
the screw point inside the dizzy cap goes into the center of the wire.)
I started it and no difference. Feeling the carb dashpots, the rear one
was icy cold and the front one was some what warm. Hmmmm. Whacked the
float chamber with a wrench and bingo ran great again. No fuel was going
into the front carb.
Billy and Ann Green wrote:
>I think David Lieb's answer to Richard Rivenbark may contain the key to my
>I removed my generator to have it tested since the battery was losing charge.
>After the simple reinstall, the car only revs to ~1500 rpm max. The '59 948
>Bugeye is all stock except for larger SU carbs and different differential.
>The ground strap has never been connected to the block since I have owned the
>car, but it has always run great. What is the correct connection point?
>I had a problem reconnecting the large clip to the large blade on the
>generator - the blade slipped down into the gen, so I had to pull it back out.
>I assumed the wire connected to the blade was OK, but haven't opened up the
>gen or the VR yet. My buddy at the Alt/strtr shop says the VR from an old
>style Ford tractor will work on the bugeye ( the Standard brand part #VR221
>12V NEG/POS -isolated - or did he say grounded - like the bugeye's. ) It only
>has Armature, Field, and Ground tabs on it. Any thoughts on that idea?
> Since it was only $15, I thought I would give it a try since it does not
>require adjustment like the Lucas VR. BTW, I have the Lucas VR adj manual
>compressed file from a few weeks back if anyone needs it. It is quite
>detailed, but I've only skimmed it.
>Also when reinstalling the gen, I accidently pulled out the #3 cyl spark plug
>wire from the diz cap, but I re-connected it.
>Surely this problem is only due to a bad connection somewhere since the Bug
>was running great before removing the gen. HELP !
>Please email direct as you post to list-
>Billy T Green