LBC content at the end......
I work as a Network Admin for a large School district. I find no reason
to have macs on my network. No i'm not anti Mac at all, in fact I run a
G5 at home and love every part of it. Mind you it does not run OSX it
runs on Yellow Dog linux. I also run a PC with windoz as well, as I have
to have my games. I see only one reason that macs are in schools and that
is that they sell a cheap computer. No other reason than that. They have
a good marketing idea...get the mac in the hands of the kids and as they
grow older they will in turn buy one as adults. I will add that in the
past 4 years our repair costs on a Macs far exceed what we spend on PC's,
and we are about 50/50 in the district for #'s. For me running on a Novell
network (NT even be the same) they are a PIA. Our operational costs are
higher running a duel platform system as 90% of teachers and students use
PC's out side of work and unless you are going to go into the graphics
industry you probably won't see one after you leave school...unless of
course you watch sitcoms on TV and they are all over the sets if you keep
your eyes open. Don't get me wrong the Mac has a place but it is just
below that of my Linux box.
Now for the LBC....I have had my wires powder coated and I love them. It
was 70 on saturday here in Oklahoma and we woke up to 18 this morning..go
Charlie Shelden
> FWIW, Almost everything a Mac does is world wide standards based.
> Almost everything a Windows box does is MS based. The world wide
> standards were being written long before NT and 2K were wet dream in
> Billy's eyes. There is a reason the internet is based mostly on UNIX,
> there is a reason most banks and online ordering systems shy away from
> Windows. There is a reason most publishing houses use Macs, there is a
> reason most schools uses Macs, there is a reason over half the worlds
> researchers use Macs, there is a reason the 3rd fastest supercomputer
> in the world is a Mac Cluster, and there is a reason Windows dominates
> the corporate boardrooms. And it has nothing to do with standards and
> compatibility.
> Larry
> On Nov 23, 2003, at 12:09 PM, David Lieb wrote:
>>> What a crock David. All that's going on here is one computer is
>>> using a
>>> character set that is slightly different from the other computer's.
>>> And
>> by
>>> the way, those character sets are user selectable.
>> Come on,Rick, can't you take a joke? I know that, I also know that the
>> particular implementation is a little silly when used in a sharing
>> environment like email, isn't it? Just another MacOops.
>> David Lieb
> --
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
> System Administrator/Manager
> Neuropsychiatry Section
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
> Philadelphia, PA 19104