I think the short answers are:
1. You stick the engine/car on a dyno and 'swing' the distributor till you
can max power and after the static advance is ATDC you have too much!
2. Aside from the aforementioned reference book Cap'n Bob mentioned there
are experience companies like Aldon Automotive and APT that have spent many
thousands of hours with A-series engines on the dyno and know pretty much what
combination of tuning requires what advance curve.
In a message dated 22/09/03 06:41:35 !!!First Boot!!!, FUZZY95687@yahoo.com
> All this dizzy curve stuff is new and exciting to me, but what I can't
> figure out is how does one know what the total advance would be for a given
> engine tune??
> Is there a resource that would indicate what the average advance curve would
> be required for various A series engine tunes. For example how would one
> know that the Cooper S curved dizzy is more appropriate than say a standard
> dizzy for a given situation?