At 10:54 AM 9/18/2003, Glen Byrns wrote:
>I just got off the phone to the local NAPA guy who confirmed that they were on
>factory backorder, but after he made another call or two he told me they are
>"discontinued" and will never come in on backorder.
LOL. I HAVE one of the 400 distributors. Here's the story. NAPA's part
number is 48-400 A-1 Cardone's number is 31-400. Crown Remanufacturing's
number is 30-0400. See a pattern? Crown is the remanufacturer of many
import distibutors, and sells their product through many vendors. A1, their
next door neighbor in Philly is one of them, who then sells to NAPA (who
doesn't manufacture anything but shareholder's equity). The rebuilder isn't
terribly particular which *part number* they sell as a rebuilt distributor
for a particular LBC application, BTW. I wrote about that a year ago, or so.
More information. 23D4 is a MODEL number, NOT a part number. It is
a "style". It is a 4-cylinder CCW non-vacuum distributor. Within that
style, or model, are many part numbers each of which has specific
applications. You need to know which specific part number you need for you
particular application. (I recommend 40819 from US 67 Cooper S) The 23D4
model I have is number 41372. It is in a Crown box labeled 30-0400. It fits
a Marina 1300. Total advance is 10 (ten) degrees!!! Useless, unless I were
unlucky enough to have one of those.
More info on request.