Actually, not so boneheaded, I have done the same thing with my
ring.Not to a 2nd degree burn but it looked really red an boy did it
Glad it ain't worse that it was.
On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, at 06:52 PM, wrote:
> I'm sure most of us have been involved in some real bonehead
> experiences
> while working on our LBCs. But what just happened to me would make
> the Three
> Stooges proud.
> While trying to do a quick adjustement of the throttle linkage on my
> TR3A. I
> suddenly experience a very painfull sensation in my left wrist. At
> first, I
> couldn't figure out what was going on as the pain was located under my
> wrist
> watch band, you know, one of the flexible metal bands with the snap
> buckle.
> The pain was still increasing when I detected the familiear smell of
> flesh
> and hair burning (triggered by memories of other mishaps). Those snap
> buckles sure take a long time to unhook when you're in a panic. I
> finally
> removed the watch and realized that it was too hot to handle.
> It seems that while trying to adjust the linkage my watch band made a
> complete circuit between the metal heater-valve pipe and the battery
> lead to
> the starter selenoid. It's amazing how fast 12 volts of DC current
> and a few
> hundred amps will heat up a watch band. I now have second degree
> burns that
> look a lot like the design of the reverse side of my watch band.
> Truly one for the bonehead archives. BTW, the watch still works fine.
> Gary Bouffard
> 59 TR3A
> 59 Bugeye
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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