RE:the picture was the big story, the
> rest if at all was on
> page 42, in section c. You got the message just the
> way they wanted. It
> does change the context some though doesn't it?
Does change the context. Makes one wonder how often
these things are done intentionally. I know I heard
Rumsfield say that he has learned that often the
headlines don't have much to do with a story. I have
noticed that too. Are we but puppets on a string? And
our view just happens to relate to who pulls our
string? Something to think about. I know that many on
the left think that the right are mind numbed robots
manipulated by the facist mitilary industrial complex,
and Rush Limbaugh. And the right suggests that the
left is maniuplated by hollywood, liberal giveaway
programmers and greedy self-indulgeant leaders. Good
thing WE are neither left or right :-).
cheers, bill b.
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