You know, Annice, you are correct in that
there is a time and place for litigation and
this is sure one of these times.
After getting home after a 4 day trip with
the airline, I reviewed all Sprite e-mail,
most especially on this thread.
While there must be a Better Business
Bureau or Chamber of Commerce or,
maybe these firms must be licensed by
the State (as they are in Connecticut)
and therefore therefore the State Dept.
of Motor Vehicles (Repairer's Div.) might be of some assistance, if I
have ever seen
a case for a lawyer, this is sure one of them.
I had to sue PAECO for a lousy motor
they built and shipped to me and while
I only got two-thirds back (lawyer got the
other 3rd; fair enough, no complaint here!)
I can tell you it was worth it.
These suits become a matter of public
record and therefore, warn others.
Cap'n. Bob
'61 :{)