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$80 Craftsman tool box at Sears Nov 11

To: bugeye@yahoogroups.com
Subject: $80 Craftsman tool box at Sears Nov 11
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 21:49:10 FILETIME=[08EAEA80:01C167D6]
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net

     I've wanted to buy a Craftsman roll-away tool box forever, but was 
always too cheap to actually buy one.  On October 30th, I was in Sears and 
saw one for $79.99.  I almost bought it on the spot.  It has four wheels, a 
bin with a flip up and slide away door on bottom, two four inch drawers, an 
open riser between the wider, bottom and the narrower top box, three small, 
plastic bins for holding small bits in the bottom of the top box, three two 
inch drawers in the top box, and a flip up lid on the very top.  The box 
comes with a lock for the bottom and the top and two bars to double lock the 
drawers.  Best I can remember it is part number 59975.  It is currently 
$99.99 at Sears.  The salesman told me it would be back down to $79.99 
starting Nov 11 and going through the 17th.  The reason I didn't buy it at 
the time was the 10% off sale on Saturday, November 3rd.  I asked the 
salesman then if it would be included in the 10% off sale that Saturday.  
When he told me it would, I decided to delay my purchase until Saturday.  
When I went to Sears that Saturday, the box was nowhere to be seen.  I 
thought they had sold out.  I asked and was told that the display model had 
been moved into the back (no reason why could ever be given).  I was further 
told that they had gone up to $99.99 on October 31st.  When I asked about 
them being on sale, they told me, yeah, they are on sale; 10% off of $99.99 
(which equals about $89.99).  I explained about having been there on Tuesday 
and asking about the tool box then and they initially said, TS (that means 
tough stuff).  When I asked to speak to the manager and explained what I had 
been told and that I had made that trip to Sears just to buy that tool box, 
she finally said I could have it for 10% off of $99.99 or for $79.99, but 
not 105 off of $79.99.  Tough choice, $80 or $90.  Hmmm.  I'll take the $80 
model.  Did I mention that when I drove over to the pick-up area that they 
had already given my tool box to another customer?  I wonder if he/she was 
honest enough to bring it back when they got home and realized the mistake.  
A not-so pleasant experience, but still, I think, a good deal.  I just 
wanted to pass the info along to you we-tight people so that you could pry 
your wallets open and finally get your tool box, too.  And if you see a good 
deal on a compressor that can run tools and a paint gun, let me know.



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