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Re: clutch bleeding

To: "spridget list" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: clutch bleeding
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 23:49:18 -0400

I don't know about ounces, but I approximate that you get an extra coupla
pumps before you have to pull your head out of the footwell to top up again.

Obviously, it is of no concern to you with your bugeye.  But would you
consider it to be a detriment to the excercise, if you had your bugeye's
rear jacked way up at the time that you had to bleed your MC to flush it?

-----Original Message-----

>I still don't see what the problem is.  Even thought the reservoir is at
the same
>angle as the footwell the clutch master would not run dry unless the
>was almost empty.  Just how much do you gain by leveling the master?  An
>of an ounce or so?
>Mike MacLean Supercharged Level Reservoired 60 Sprite
>Robert Duquette wrote:
>> Hey Mike!
>> I don't believe that the reservoir does sit level, but I have not
>> investigated the innards.  A more level reservoir is the goal, as I
>> understand it.  I could take a photo and post it or draw a picture and
>> it, but first, imagine this ( or try it ).  Take a drinking glass and put
>> inch of water in it.  Now tilt it to about the same angle as the shelf
>> the bonnet that the MC is attached to.  The upper part feeds into the
>> line.
>> Okay, pictures at 11 . . .
>> First the MC in question.  Notice the beer bottle and the liquid in it.
>> Okay red was a bad choice!
>> http://www3.sympatico.ca/robertduquette/11/clutch_MC.jpg
>> Now if you can imagine lifting the front end of the car, this happens:
>> http://www3.sympatico.ca/robertduquette/11/imitate_front_lift.jpg
>> You may note that I did not lift the car, but merely put my finger under
>> bottom of the front edge of the bottle.
>> Another experiment that you can do involves volume.  Stand a full glass
>> beer upright and don't tilt it.  The beer stays full ( unless you have a
>> straw ).  But if you were to tilt it to the angle of the clutch MC, it
>> not be able to hold as much volume of liquid and some would spill out,
>> because a liquid seeks its own level.  ( Here come the engineers. )  And
>> that's what this whole thing was about.  Mostly the volume of fluid that
>> can put in the MC between pumping sessions.  But also, that you won't
>> pumping air into the line as early with the same amount of fluid because
>> fluid will be more level.  ( I can't imagine how much you would have to
>> the front end to actually get the MC level. )
>> Robert D.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> >Even if it does slant down, doesn't the reservoir sit level?  Are you
>> trying to
>> >level the bore or the reservoir?
>> >Mike MacLean Supercharged 60 Sprite
>> >
>> >Robert Duquette wrote:
>> >
>> >> Yes, you would have the combined clutch and brake master, as in my '65
>> >> Sprite and you are quite correct that it is level.
>> >>
>> >> I spouted off with the image of my '67 Midget hydraulics in mind, and
>> yes,
>> >> it does slant down towards the front at the same angle as the pedal
>> is
>> >> mounted.  If you have O S&M, take a look at page 134.
>> >>
>> >> So, I stand ( sit actually ) corrected in that the advice does not
>> to
>> >> all models.  I found that it helped in that I could get a bit more
>> >> through the system between top ups.
>> >>
>> >> Robert D.
>> >>
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >>
>> >> >I don't know about the square bodied cars, but my MC is level when
>> car
>> >> is
>> >> >sitting level.  How would you be expected to "top it off" if it sat
>> an
>> >> angle?
>> >> >Does your driver's handbook say to park on a hill to fill your MC?
>> >> >Mike MacLean Supercharged 60 Sprite
>> >> >
>> >> >Robert Duquette wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> Front end up, was what I heard.  It is supposed to make the MC hold
>> bit
>> >> >> more fluid because you are levelling it out somewhat.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> RD
>> >> >>
>> >> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >  Didn't someone recently say that it helps if you raise the back
>> the
>> >> >> car
>> >> >> >several inches because of the funny angle at which the slave cyl.
>> >> >> mounted?
>> >> >> >  Ed in NC

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