While tracking down and fixing several posssible culprits for
my increased oil leakage, I discovered that the 2 "Y" hoses,
from the crankcase breathing system to the bases of the carbs,
had collapsed inwards thus inhibiting flow. Having replaced the
hoses, and the hose from the Y to the oil separator, and having
cleaned the oil separator, I noticed that my sparkplugs are a bit
"whiter" at the tips thatn they used to be. Should this make sense?
In any case, I richened both carbs 1 flat. If this rainy stuff stops, I
go out and check it out.
Wotcher think? Would the increased flow thru the crankcase vent
system lean out the mix so I should have richened it?
I know, I know -- being a little anal here.
BTW - no more oil leaks after 2 test runs!