I realize that there are many people out there trying to take advantage of
anyone that will bid on an item but my experience has been that MOST people
who own LBCs DON'T know that much about them! All listers are EXCLUDED from
this generalization...
How many times have you bit your tongue while some bozo tells you how rare
this or that part is while trying to convince you that it is worth the
exorbinate amount that he/she wants? I had a guy tell me that he searched
for two years for a starter for a Sprite and couldn't find one!!! I sold him
one of the 6 that I had for $25.
I also looked at a Jenson Healey parts car once because the owner told me
that it had Webers on it. Guess what, ZS carbs...
Your best defense is having a greater knowledge than somebody else. That's
why this list is so great!!!
My two minted coppers
Subject: Re: Misrepresentation (KMM26814896C0KM)
> I know you have a point, it is just that it galls me to see some poor sod
> ripped off buying something that simply isn't what it is made out to be.
> Daniel
> In a message dated 23/04/01 13:18:12 Pacific Daylight Time,
> type79@ix.netcom.com writes:
> << Daniel,
> ebay may not be perfect, but they Are up front with the fact they are
> more than a portal. Think of them in the same way as newspaper classified
> ads.
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)