Fair trade = Free trade
Forcing a country to import as many cars as it exports is not fair trade.
And look at it from the other side:
The Netherland produce very few cars. Are we allowed to import just a few as
And yet another side:
Do we have to import as many American cars as we import Japanese cars?
Most American cars don't fit out parking spaces anyway.
Why do you think I have a Midget? (= hard needed LBC content)
Theo Neeskens
1963 MG Midget Mk1a
The Netherlands
> David McCartney wrote:
> >
> I would much rather buy from a country that has a FAIR TRADE policy with
> the USA. 5 chevys vs 5 million RBs doesn't mean fair trade.
> And don't start with "my toyota was made in the USA," sure but to beat
> the tariffs only, it's still made out of jap parts assembled by drones.
> --
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)