er, Jim?
Ya gorgot something!!
<<Sunday- Daughter turns 16
Monday- One day reprieve (DMV closed)
Tuesday- Take Daughter to get her license
Wednesday- Let Daughter take V-6 Probe to school, worry all day, get home
and nonchalantly walk around car twice. While eating supper, Daughter says
to wife, "Did you ever notice how gray Dad's hair is getting?"
Thursday - "loan" Daughter $ 75.00 to pay Adams County Sheriff's Dept for
speeding ticket.
Friday - "loan" Daughter $ 75.00 to pay Adams County Sheriff's Dept for
speeding ticket.
Sat - "loan" Daughter $ 75.00 to pay Adams County Sheriff's Dept for
speeding ticket.
Sun - "loan" Daughter $ 75.00 to pay Illinois State Police (still ACSD<G>)
for speeding ticket
received whilst coming BACK into town from east coming down that
REAL long hill
just before "airport.
Mon - Advise Daughter just prior to het getting back on School Bus that she
does IN FACT owe
YOU $300.00.
Tues - Barber Shop (er, do they "have" "salons" in Quincy??) for re-dye job
(cost of which is added to Daughter's $300.00 Bill).
Wed - Go to bank to "move" $$$ 'cause in paying Citations, ya forgot to
"cover" checks!!
Thur - BACK to Barber Shop (er, Salom) for repeat.
Friday - Throw in Da Towel and Accept the "CATCH 22" principal!!!
PS: Oh yeah, "Congrats" !!!!! You don't have to take her to the Mall