I opted for the rib case when I last changed mine, mainly because I was nearly
destitute at the time, and a new ribcase was offered me for the sum of $450. I
will probably go ahead with the 5 speed conversion next time, but since this
gearbox has less than 200 miles on it, I look forward to it being a long time in
the future.
72 Midget
bob marley wrote:
> Hello list.
> You have been great help to me when I needed advice on my head... leaking. (
> 1275 engine head =)
> Now I would like your current opinion and help on what to do to my bugeye.
> Here is the long story.. kidding. SHORT story.
> I was out for a drive on hwy 101 in southern california. Stopped for a red
> light. The light turned green so I started out in first gear (real easy.)
> I shifted into second gear (always had to double clutch it) and CLANK GRInD
> clankity grind...Quickly shifted into 3rd and got the car home by avoiding
> second gear.
> My second gear must be toast!
> ***I need your current advice and opinions on what to do next.***
> Here are my car's SPECS.....
> My rear end ratio is:
> 3.90:1
> Tires:
> 175 70r13s bfgs
> Motor:
> 1275 with 1 1/4 INCH SU-HS2's
> Transmission:
> smooth case (with broken second gear)
> 1) ***Should I put a Datsun 5spd in with a Rivergate kit?***
> or
> 2) ***Should I put a rib case back in the car?***
> I live in southern california and plan to keep my car for a long time. Your
> advice, experiences, opinions are welcomed.
> Sincerely,
> Chris
> 58 bugeye =)
> _________________________________________________________________