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RE: More troubles (clutch)

To: "'Frank Clarici'" <spritenut@Exit109.com>, "Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: More troubles (clutch)
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:15:01 -0800
The only "logical" idea is that it must be heat related. Have you tried
doing the same test with the engine running but not rolling? I would
manouver around a parking lot to see if the clutch "lasts longer" rather
than just driving around. That's about all I can think of. maybe some small
crack or something expanding as it heats up letting air in. Wild shot, but
you never know.

It's easier to just play Dr. Swaptronics and not think about it. Just swap
out parts untill the problem disapears and blame the part and sacrafice it
to the LBC gods. Thats what any good sears mechanic would do. (no offense to
sears mechanics) Sometimes thinking hurts the process. Replace the washer
just out of desperation, and who knows, that may work for some unknown
reason. I am sticking by my "heat" theory, no matter how psyco it is.

>Bill wrote:
>>     my faith is shattered....
>My point exactly. I know what to look for, I have *fixed* 
>these problems
>one or more times already this week.
>Like why does the clutch get air bound only when you drive it not when
>it's parked and you pump the pedal?
>What is left to change? All is new except the washer on the clutch hose
>and Ed says that may be the trouble. WHY doesn't a new washer come with
>the hose or slave? Both are new Lockheed units and not from a 4 letter
>word supplier.
>Why did a leaf spring snap after a day? I don't save bum leafs 
>off parts
>cars, only decent ones. I guess this one was just about to go. My luck.
>And my starting problem....This is the second winter with the same
>problem. Everything has been replaced, carb, starter, battery, coil,
>distributor, plugs, all but the engine but it starts just fine if it's
>40 out.

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