Very well said, Rick!! (The sad part, though, is that RBH's response to
your post, without his getting all the facts first, is fairly typical these
>You have to follow the whole thread RH. Just minutes before Daniel sent
>joke about the blondes he sent a post complaining about non-LBC messages
>regarding the U.S. election problems. The reference to "and who gives a
>damn" is a direct quote from his complaining post. The "really interesting
>Spridgets list" bit is a paraphrasing of a line from the same post. And
>then he turns around and sends a dumb blonde joke to the Spridgets list.
>I do give a damn. Thats why I gave Daniel a poke for doing exactly what he
>had just complained about others doing. Sheesh. Also, look closely at my
>post and you'll find a "grin" emoticon at the end of my message. My
>was simply a poke in fun at Daniel for doing what he had just complained
>about. And the non-LBC posts and jokes don't bother me personally at all.
>Most are fun to read and if I don't want to read them I know where the
>delete key is located.
> ----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>; <>
>Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 12:52 PM
>Subject: Re: Blonde Joke - No LBC
>> In a message dated 12/09/2000 8:58:06 AM Mountain Standard Time,
>> writes:
>> > What is this, (and who gives a damn). I thought this was the really
>> > interesting Spridgets list. :-)
>> >
>> > Rick
>> >
>> I'm sorry Rick, could you restate your joke? I didn't get it at all.
>> are the blondes and where's the punch line?
>> You said, by the Subject line that there was not LBC content, but I
>> find the joke either.
>> Sorry you don't give a damn...the rest of us do.
>> Merry Christmas,
>> RH