Just wanted to publicly express my thanks to all the folks who gave me tips
on my fast idling problem after putting the SUs on the Midget. Ed
"JustBrits" hit the nail on the head by emphasizing timing, then valves,
then carbs. Checked the timing (good grief, on the bottom!?!? - didn't think
I'd ever find the marks on the pulley, much less see them underneath there)
and sure enough, it was WAY off. In fact, when I went to loosen the dist I
didn't have to - the clamp bolt was already loose! I also tried messing with
that little knurled nut on it, but it didn't seem to be having any affect.
Also discovered a sticking jet thanks to getting the linkage in a little
bind. Set the timing and the idle came down. Still need to do the valves - I
didn't have a replacement cover gasket on hand, but should have one tomorrow
or the next day. I'll be doing the timing again later anyway - have new
points, condensor, cap, rotor, and plugs to put in. Also have some Magnecor
wires on order, but sounds like they will take a few weeks to get as they
are made to order and drop-shipped. So will do all the ignition stuff when
they come.
BTW, what is the correct clearance for the valve adjustment? I've been
looking at the Haynes and Bentley manuals, but there seem to be several
clearance numbers associated with the valve train, and it isn't clear to me
which one I should be looking at. I have Haynes here beside me, and on page
28 under "Valves" I see "Valve-to-rocker clearance (cold).....0.012 in" then
a little farther down under "Valve timing" I see "Rocker clearance: timing
only.....0.029 in." It sounds like the first one is the value I want, but I
just want to be sure.
Still have to fix steering rack mount, replace water pump, thermostat, rear
wheel cylinders, brake pads/shoes all around, bleed the clutch (replaced
incorrect MC with right one). Keep racing the weather hoping to get one or
two top-down days in before I put the hardtop on. Then I'm going to attack
the interior. I'll ask some questions about that in another email, though.
Thanks again to everyone for their help!
1971 Midget