WOW, wonder what I could get for my 1954 J C Whitney catalog? Would you
believe they are still selling some of the same stuff and advertising it as
>To: Greg Gowins <>
>Subject: Re: We're all rich (Part 2)
>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:05:35 -0400
>Oh gee. Beer cans. And beer guides, and beer coaster guides... He has
>tons of good things up for auction.
>And he's from Ohio. I'da thought he would be from further west, and maybe
>a bit south.....
>Greg Gowins <> wrote:
> > In case you don't have any old Vicky Brit catalogs laying around, not to
>worry! The following link will assure you a decent retirement nest egg!
>Greg Gowins
>'69 Sprite
>Dublin, CA