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Re: Low oil pressure readings

To: Dan Dwelley <maine2me@yahoo.com>, Rick & Carolyn <walters@mail.softcom.net>, Tim & Brigitte <tim-brig@eas.za.net>
Subject: Re: Low oil pressure readings
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:43:07 -0700
Cc: Sprite <spridgets@autox.team.net>

My understanding is that 10 lbs pressure per 1000 RPM is a good rule of thumb.

I  don't think he was saying his oil pressure went to zero, I think he
means by the markings on the gauge [LB/0"] at the top of the gauge dial.


At 6:12 AM -0700 8/15/00, Dan Dwelley wrote:
>Ummm...I wouldn't say not to worry about it! the issue
>is that the oil pressure reads 0 to +-20... 0 at
>normal idle. The oil pressure needs to be more than
>zero at idle. I would go through the system. Check the
>gauge for accuracy (try another gauge). +-20 would be
>normal hot idle 50-60 at speed.
>Dan Dwelley
>77 Midget
>Alexandria, Va.
>--- Rick & Carolyn <walters@mail.softcom.net> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> You are okay.  That is very normal for the oil
>> pressure to drop at
>> idle.  The little pump just can't keep up when
>> idling so the pressure
>> drops off.  Your engine also doesn't require as much
>> pressure in the
>> idle mode.  I wouldn't worry about it.
>> Rick
>> Tim & Brigitte wrote:
>> >
>> > What does it generally mean if my oil pressure
>> gauge drops from an average
>> > reading of 40-50 lbs/0" to +-20 lbs/0" at normal
>> idling speed. Also pressure
>> > climbs to 60 lbs/0" at higher reves?
>> >
>> > What is most likely worn & how do I replace it.
>> >
>> > Thanx in Advance
>> >
>> > Tim
>> >
>> > tim-brig@eas.za.net
>Dan Dwelley
>77 Midget
>Alexandria, Va.
>Yahoo! Mail � Free email you can access from anywhere!

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