I clean cables electrolytically. You need a bucket (5 gal pail), water,
washing soda, (Arm and Hammer brand), a 12v battery charger, and a piece
of scrap metal (steel) to use for a cathode.
Fill the bucket with water, add 1 tablespoon of washing soda per gallon
of H2O to the pail. Hook up the (+) wire of the battery charger to the
scrap piece of metal and the (-) to the cable you want to clean. Put
them both in the pail of washing soda water. Make sure they don't touch
each other in the pail and keep the (+) wire from the charger out of the
water, just the scrap metal piece should be immersed. The (-) terminal
can be immersed attached to the cable you are cleaning.
You will see bubbles when you plug in the charger, that means it is
working. Let it "cook" for a day or two, all the rust will turn black
and fall off. The rust that does not fall off will brush off very
easily with a brush or a Brillo pad. I use a Brillo pad because the
soap in Brillo contains a little phosphoric acid which protects the
metal from re-rusting for a short period of time, until you get it
painted, or protected with a light coat of oil.
I paint the outside of the cables with silver paint and the insides with
never-seize compound or light oil.
If you have questions give me a yell......
Kevin V.
Larry Cogan wrote:
> Three of my hanger queens are afflicted with terminally (?)
> stiff/frozen pull cables. One is the choke on the Bugeye, one the
> fresh air cable on the 70 Midget, and all three cables on the TC are
> about frozen. Is there a procedure to resurrect these puppies to some
> usefulness? Like remove and soak in a bucket of oil for a day or clip
> the dog legs off the end and remove the internal wire, sand and try to
> reinsert? Anyone BTDT? Thanks, Larry.