This is a perfect opportunity to purchase what I believe is one of the
worlds best tools! You need a pressure washer, none of the little 1200
p.s.i. versions, get at least a 2500 p.s.i. model with a 5+ HP gas engine.
Not only will it clean up the driveway, deck, and brick it will clean up
your undercarriage and make it like new. Make sure your wife knows how to
use it , she will really enjoy too. This should restore the "domestic
harmony" :)
70 Midget
> Since my garage is attached to the house, when I paint in the
> garage, the fumes stink up the house. Since they bother
> my wife, in the name of domestic harmon,y I try to keep painting
> in the garage at a minimum. So yesterday it was nice out
> and I was spray painting up a storm. Well today I notice that
> the overspray/cloud painted a good portion of my concrete
> driveway. There was tire on the ground so now my driveway
> is much darker with a large white ring. Very noticeable.
> Once again in the name of domestic harmony, how do I clean
> up the this mess. I was going to try tide and a stiff scrub
> brush. Any other ideas?
> Bill Gilroy