In a message dated 7/19/00 6:23:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< I siphon all the fluid out of the master cylinder with a squeeze bulb
thing that is usually used for batteries, >>
I used "our good" turkey baster once to do the same thing, then set it
on the kitchen counter where my wife was doing dishes and talking on the
phone (only I didn't see the phone buried under her hair, and assumed she
heard me say "I'll take care of it later....") only she thought she had just
used it to baste a meatloaf, and gave it another shot of
favourite dish, "Pain du viande" about to turn into pain du gutz..... I
wasn;t about to say anything..... Waall, I knew whut she done, but she
didn't know whut I done, so when she went outside to finish the conversation
(no doubt about my virtues as a near great husband....) I turned the oven up
from 300 to 475 and waited until I was certain it had a the makings of a
good coat of charcoal, then I walked outside, and about five minutes later -
about the time it really began smoking - I ran in, grabbed the pot from
the oven and carted it straight out to the trash, trailing a stinking cloud
of smoke vaguely reminiscent of Ode du Castor et Diesel.....
"Aw gee, Honey, it burned so bad, that the pan melted... must be what
made it stink so bad....."
She still don't know whut I done......