If you just leave the parts on your parts car you will know exactly
where they are!!!
Glen Byrns wrote:
> Boxes and cartons, and cans with their lids on,
> organized shelving your Tupperware fits on.
> Sheesh! I just try to keep the fragile stuff down low so it will have less
> distance to fall when I dig through it. If I keep all the car stuff in the
> garage I consider it a major victory. While I have an excellent memory for
> the stuff I have, I don't always remember which layer its in this week.
> The only problem with this non-system I ever had was finding a spoke wrench
> for wheelbuilding. I finally bought three of them and scattered them
> around. I can always find one of them now. Same deal with nailclippers and
> 1/2" box wrench.
> To paraphrase some annonomous poet...
> Hour by hour and day by day,
> the universe fritters itself away.
> As gasses mix and starlight wanes,
> till randomness alone remains.
> What order we make is quickly lost,
> and only comes at higher cost.
> Tis for this reason, I confess,
> I always leave my bench a mess.
> Regards,
> Glen Byrns
> '59 Bugeye