Hello Patricia,
yes.. allstate is a great insurance company.. for TAKING
your money.. but not so great when it comes to giving it
back.... ALL i mean ALL of the ancecdotal stories i
have heard regarding ALLSTATE insurance.. whether for
HOME or AUTO have made that clear to ME... the reason
they brag about being there... right after a disaster is
because the are there... gettting people to sign off
without having gotten a real idea as to the real
magnitude of thier losses...
the stories of auto related... no pay... no pay .. no
pay.... "guess i'll get a lawyer"... settlement amount
suddenly doubles...... ...... .. my recomendation.. (for
what it's worth) STAY AWAY for ALLSTATE.. and GIECO...
Good prices... NO PAYOUT!
Friday, July 14, 2000, 12:25:38 AM, you wrote:
PS> Hello everybody,
PS> Well, I've put some money down on a beautiful little bugeye in New
PS> Mexico, so while I anxiously await her arrival to Colorado I've been looking
PS> into insurance, so that I can actually drive her! I'd like to get insurance
PS> that will let me use the car as a daily driver and I was wondering what kind
PS> of experiences, good and bad you all have had with some of the major
PS> insurance companies. So far Allstate has given me the best quote (by far)
PS> for both the Sprite and my Honda, so if anyone has any experience with them
PS> your info would be greatly appriciated. They do cover the car at actual
PS> cash value, and I have an appraisal from the seller that is a few years old
PS> putting the car at $3,000 more than I'm paying for it, but I plan on getting
PS> another done if it would be in my best interest.
PS> Thanks in advance,
PS> Patricia
Best regards,
'66 Sprite HAN8L49403