Ulix and others. I've often eyed off the Dremels in my local tool
store. Do they have enough power to modify a head such as Vizard
I've got a couple of spare heads, but not enough money for someone
else to modify it/buy another one.
>on 7/9/00 15:26, chuck at chuckc@attglobal.net wrote:
>> Any you guys done the Vizard mods to the SU log manifold??
>> While I've got the head being machined, I thought I'd take a flyer.
>> But the cross-sections of the ports on my '72 log look different than
>> the ones in Vizard's book (surprise). My ports are longer (deeper?),
>> making it very difficult to get a tool in to round the edges.
>I did this a couple of weeks ago. Used a Dremel with a conical grinder to
>get the areas close to the manifold faces and a ball grinder to get to the
>areas "around the corner".
>I would look into the manifold from one side and stick the Dremel in from
>the other side. This way you can see what you are doing. It's not hard.
>I'm using the manifold off my '67.
> Ulix __/__,__ ___/__|\__
>http://www.mirafiori.com/~ulix/ '67 Sprite '74 X1/9