Robert Duquette wrote:
> BTW, although US stats seem to dictate that personal carry diminishes crime,
> what about Switerzerland? Firearms ownership and training is MANDATORY. Go
> to a restuarant and someone might have a full auto military rifle there
> casually ).
> Virtually no violent crime. Try looking at some other factor for crime.
> It's not firearms.
The US is more violent than the Swiss or Brits. Not only do we kill more
people with guns, we stab more people per capita, and bludgeon more people
per capita. Our infanticide rate is the highest in the industrialized world
bar none.
How's this for a theory. The swiss all look alike, but the US has a much
more heterogeneous population. Just a theory with no facts to back it up.
When comparing violence, gun violence and crime you must be very careful
when you compare two nations. It could be like comparing me with a cat.
(Ha, got it in)
The question is why are we a violent society? Much harder to answer and
even harder to solve.
Bill Gilroy