You got me started, didn't you?
Just to shed a different light ... you wouldn't shoot at a shape in the dark
because firearms training says to know your target. You wouldn't want to
blow away a child/friend/spouse of yours who was sneaking your xmas present
up the stairs or involved in some scam to celebrate a birthday/do a
stag/pull a prank. You would always have to give away the element of
surprize to make sure. Turning the lights on could be good. You would want
to have a thought out plan in advance.
Take our Prime Minister as an example. When a person with a knife invaded
his home, he allowed his wife to think and lock the bedroom door ( the
intruder then apparently sat down and waited ) and he hid behind his wife
and wielded some ( unregistered to the best of my knowledge ) Inuit
soapstone(?) carving.
Our latest legislation allows police to get a search warrant for your home
if you refuse to voluntarily allow them to search it. They can confiscate
your computer if there is firearm references on it. Anbody have a computer
that doesn't have the word 'bullet' on it. People in this country think the
whole deal is 'registration', but they should find out what they have asked
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Martin Johnson <MJohnson at>
To: '' <>;
<>; <>
Date: July 12, 2000 4:32 PM
>In American law school, it is taught that protection of personal
>property alone is not worth a human life, even if the human is a
>worthless one. As much as you would like to, you can't take a baseball
>bat to someone caught in the act of keying your MG. If you were
>successful in putting the jerk out of our misery, you would probably be
>facing manslaughter charges, and you might use a defense to try to show
>a lack of intent to kill. Good luck. This comes from English common
>law. Over time however, each state of the American union has legislated
>it's own interpretation of what constitutes a "burglary" or similar
>crime that rises to the level justifying use of deadly force to defend
>against intruders. Generally, this is a highly factual inquiry
>requiring proof of intent on the part of the alleged intruder, and the
>defender using deadly force. Did the intruder have a deadly weapon?
>Did the defender know the intruder was armed with a deadly weapon? How
>would the defender do that if it was dark, or didn't have his glasses
>on? Further, deadly booby traps like spring guns in uninhabited
>vacation homes for instance, can subject their owners to attemped
>manslaughter or if successful, manslaughter charges. I guess it's
>moral, but somehow, it doesn't seem fair. I fancy myself as a decent
>person. You won't EVER find me getting into someone else's stuff. I
>keep a short T-ball bat under my side of the bed so I can swing it in
>the hallway, and one like it in the trunk of my car along with a ball
>and glove, and I might have an unregistered ### in a shoebox in the top
>shelf in my closet for wee beasties and things that go bump in the
>night. I'd rather be alive to defend myself before judge and jury, than
>be dead and know I followed the law.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 11:52 AM
>The Norfolk thing really did happen and it was a travesty of justice.
>farmer did not intend to kill the burglers, he was just sick of being
>burgled. He used a shotgun rather than a rifle.
>Lots of arguments either way, no easy answers but I would hang and flog.
>In a message dated 12/07/00 16:20:49 GMT Daylight Time,
><< Robert Houston >>