In a message dated 7/6/2000 10:54:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< Does anyone have any experience with the "repair" panels available? Are
they worth the cost >>
I have done extensive body panel replacement on my '67 Sprite (still, still,
and still under restoration!). I have had to learn metal work, metal
beating, welding, and cutting from scratch. At the outset, when I ordered my
first batch of body panels, which consisted of front left wing repair panel,
left rear fender, right rear fender repair panel, total floor, both rear
bulkheads, both outer sills, sill closing plates, and rear right fender
blanking plate, I found a gentleman in Columbus, OH who was a Moss affiliate.
I purchased the panels from him, which were the same as Moss supplies, at
about a 20% discount.
THE PANELS WERE GREAT!! The metal is as heavy as the original and they fit
exceptionally well, with an expected amount of fitting, of course. They were
relatively inexpensive, I thought, compared to having parts made. They all
have stickers on them that they were made in Great Britain, which I would
require now when ordering (I was a bit blind at that time and woulda taken
Any flat panels, such as the lower quarter of both outer footwells, battery
tray, and upper bulkhead parts, I purchased sheet metal and made myself,
setting up a homemade metal brake from two heavy angle irons and my bench
Best of luck with it.
--David C.