I'm at Sun's Javasoft campus in Cupertino, and my office window on the third
floor looks directly out at Apple headquarters across the street. My wife also
worked for Apple for 5-years, and needless to say we have a PowerMac, and an
iMac at home :-)
- Bryan
>Subject: Re: Fw: more info on virus (NO LBC)
>To: "Bryan Vandiver" <>, "Spridgets"
<>, <>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>LMAO all the way to Mac OS X.
>Then we get to deal with all the security attacks that most UNIX users
>deal with everyday ;-(
>But still no virii
>>>>>On 6/20/00 6:23 PM so and so (Bryan Vandiver) said. (And I quote:)
>>Well if everyone quit running that crappy SW from that company in WA, this
>>wouldn't be a problem :-)
>>OK - so I'm biased ;-)
>> - Bryan (UNIX forever!)
>>>To: "Spridgets" <>
>>>Subject: Fw: more info on virus (NO LBC)
>>>X-Priority: 3
>>>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>>>X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
>>>Hey All,
>>>There's another new virus attack happening:
>>>> New Virus Strikes E-Mail Systems
>>>> .c The Associated Press
>>>> WASHINGTON (June 20) - A new computer virus, which looks like a harmless
>>>> file, has caused shutdowns of the e-mail systems at four Fortune 100
>>>> companies, anti-virus experts said Monday.
>>>> The virus does no harm to computer files, but similar to May's ''Love
>>>> virus, simply multiplies by sending itself out to everyone listed in the
>>>> infected computer's address book.
>>>> While users are well-warned about VisualBasic attachments, which appear as
>>>> ''.vbs'' extensions, the so-called ''Stages'' virus looks like a text
>>>> complete with ''.txt'' extension. But the real extension is ''.shs,''
>>>> stands for Windows Shell Scrap Object. A Scrap file can contain anything,
>>>> including executable and malicious code.
>>>> The ''.shs'' extension does not appear even if a user sets Windows to show
>>>> all file extensions. Microsoft designed this extension to be invisible,
>>>> it cannot be changed without entering the operating system's most fragile
>>>> configuration systems.
>>>> The virus hit companies in the United States by Friday and began appearing
>>>> Australia and Asia over the weekend, said David Perry of Trend Micro Inc.,
>>>> maker of anti-virus software.
>>>> Since then, makers of the popular McAfee anti-virus program have
>>>> ''Stages'' as a larger threat, and said more than 100 of their customers -
>>>> many major companies and almost all based in the United States - reported
>>>> infections. One company had more than 5,000 individual users infected.
>>>> ''Due to the infection rate, we're moving it to 'high risk,''' said Sal
>>>> Viveros, a spokesman for McAfee.
>>>> Viveros said an analysis of the virus showed that it was signed by someone
>>>> named ''Zulu,'' the same author that wrote the ''Bubbleboy'' virus that
>>>> appeared last year.
>>>> ''Stages'' uses Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express mail programs to
>>>> but it can also infect through chat rooms or America Online's ICQ instant
>>>> messaging software.
>>>> The e-mail message contains ''funny,'' ''life stages'' or ''jokes'' in the
>>>> subject line. The text of the message reads ''the male and female stages
>>>> life,'' with an attachment, ''life-stages.txt'' or
>>>> The attachment contains a joke about advancing age.
>>>> Surprisingly, an anti-virus vendor first warned users about the threat of
>>>> stealthy ''.shs'' files containing viruses in August 1998. But this is the
>>>> first reported ''.shs'' virus, according to virus experts.
>>>> Anti-virus companies have issued software updates to catch the new virus
>>>> are encouraging businesses to filter incoming mail and delete attachments
>>>> with the ''.shs'' suffix.
>Larry Macy
>78 Midget
>Keep your top down and your chin up.
>Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
>System Manager/Administrator
>Neuropsychiatry Section
>Department of Psychiatry
>University of Pennsylvania
>3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
>Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
>question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.