Looks like my new paint job may be coming sooner than I thought.
Today, one the way to lunch a teenage girl fresh off her learner's permit in
a new Accura Integra just couldn't wait for through traffic any longer and
pulled out into me as I passed by. Luckily, I saw it coming and took enough
evasive action to limit the damage. Struck in the right rear fender/wheel.
Fairly minor sheet metal damage, possibly rear susp. misalignment. The
worst damage was the plastic cap from the center of my vintage Shelby mag.
Crushed! Her insurance will probably be good for a paint job, but how do
you replace the Shelby mag cap? Ironically, I had been missing the fourth
cap since I towed it home for the PO's place. He found it recently and
mailed it to me. Guess what was sitting on my front porch when I finally
got home after completing the accident report? I STILL only have three
Shelby mag caps. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
On the bright side the damage to the Accura was pretty bad. It looks like
my wheel took/delivered all the force to the left front of her car.
Thousand or better in damage to her car. The City of Davis just gained
another bicyclist once her mom sees the car and sees the police report.
One thing to say about light little cars, on a glancing blow they tend to
break loose and get shoved around without absorbing much force from the big,
nasty, mean, modern cars.
Glen "wainting for the estimate" Byrns