Forgot to add that for the FS series keys these blanks work:
Taylor F70S Taylor is out of business, but this crosses
over to other mfgs.
ILCO 1069
On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 16:14:49 EST Paul A Asgeirsson <>
>For the double sided key, ILCO blank AA2 X51 works.
>On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 09:28:30 -0800 Frank Clarici
>>The (original) ignition key for most LBCs up through 1969 were
>>the 69 using an FS code before the 3 numbers. This key is still
>>available since the new tool box on my pick up has a Union lock with
>>FS 9?? key.
>>Check for blanks at any hardware or home center. Also, if you email
>>off the list with your FS #, I'll look thru my spare key ring. I have
>>about 50 keys.
>>Thje FS # would only be on an original key not a recut.