Just a reminder - the 4th Annual Chicagoland British Car Parts Swap Meet is
this coming Sunday, February 27. 8am to 3pm (CST) at the DuPage County
Fairgrounds in Wheaton, Illinois. Admission is $3.00. As of the beginning of
the week, word was that there are a record number of vendors signed up and
will be using two buildings. The whole thing is indoors. There will be a food
vendor who will have Chicago-style hot dogs. There is also a model car/toy
show going on the same day on the fairgrounds as well (separate cover
charge). Get real bargains here and avoid those e-Bay prices (my apologies to
the e-Bay cartel).
Organized by the Chicagoland MG Club. Call Jim Evans at 630-858-8192 for
further information.
Kim Tonry
Downers Grove, IL