Toby Atwater wrote:
> anyway.... my dog who is scared of cats, decided to go hunting last night
> and he brought back a nice skunk into my garage. I thought skunks didn't
> live around here but obviously he found one. So... anybody know "how to get
> the stink out? out of my garage, my Sprite, and my dog?
I have also heard of people using MassinGill Disposable Douches sp? (keep
you mouths shut, desperate times call for anything). Seems to work.
I think the real secret is that both tomato juice and douches (vinegar
and water) are acidic. You might have some luck with white vinegar cut
with water for the same affect. Good luck and you have not smelled skunk
until you have a dead one on the end of a shovel.
My brother-inlaw had dog that has killed 3 skunks so far. So if you think
you dog might have learned, don't be so sure.
Bill Gilroy
PS. Be careful about drying out your dogs skin. He might scratch and bite
until he is raw and that is another whole problem.