Jay & List,
When you see the price of the KAD 16 valve head and the work involved in
fitting it you will most likely faint! The horsepower (but less so torque)
are impressive but why bother? You might as well fit a 16 valve engine like
the K-Series for a lot less money and anything from 1400 to 1800cc.
Not much is ever heard about the 16 valve Jack Knight head but again the
price is considerable.
The Arden 8 port is less expensive but rarely seen and while is not amazing
on horsepower (I think the best 5 port iron heads match it) I recollect it is
good on torque.
Either way the benefits are outweighed in my opinion by the cost which would
buy a lot of other modifications (like a supercharger and 5 speed CR box).
I do like the idea of the aluminium 5 port because it will still look
original (esp' if painted), offers a big weight saving which is important to
me not just because of the weight but a slight reduction in push understeer,
the higher CR, and cost comparable to an iron head. I would want the
aluminium head ported to the same spec, inc valves as an APT iron head.
In a message dated 03/02/00 20:57:09 GMT Standard Time, type79@ix.netcom.com
<< What I would be interested in finding out is owners experiences with the
heads such as the Ardun (sp) 8 port head or the twin-cam heads.
Any of you UK listers have any experience or comments?
Jay Fishbein