For those who don't know, C&A is a lower end department store in London.
Intergral to joke....
An Essex girl and a paddy are having a drink in a bar and the paddy is
wearing a pair of wellies. One of the wellies has an L on it and the other
has an R on it.
So bimbette Essex slapper says to paddy "Oi Geezer, why 'ave u got an L on
one wellie and an R on the uvva?"
"Well" says Paddy "oim a bit tick so I have an L ta tell me dat its me
left foot and an R to tell its me right foot fa when oi put tem arn"
"Fackin'ell" says bimbette Essex slapper "now I know why ma knickers
'ave got C&A on 'em!!
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