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Re: The Hunter Returns!

To: "Mike Maclean" <macleans@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: The Hunter Returns!
From: "Wiedemeyer" <boxweed@thebest.net>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 09:50:11 -0500
Cc: "spridgets list" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Reply-to: "Wiedemeyer" <boxweed@thebest.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
>    Do you eat meat from the supermarket?  Less sport in how that animal
>and no sport in how you "bagged" it.
>Mike MacLean-60 Sprite
>P.S. Don't get me started on this.

Yes, I do eat meat from the supermarket, but what's that got to do with it?!
I don't brag about the size of the steak that I bought there, and people who
work in the slaughter houses don't brag about the cow they killed to provide
meat to the supermarkets.  It's all a matter of survival, not
"sport"......and please don't try to tell me that the reason you go out to
shoot Bambi is to put food on your table.  That ain't gonna fly!  You have
deceived yourself into thinking that you are a macho hunter, but, again, I
say, "Where is the sport when there is no chance of the hunter losing and no
chance of Bambi winning?"  If you want to be a real sport, do something
where there's some danger involved for you, too!

>Wiedemeyer wrote:
>> By the way, where is the "sport"?!  Give Bambi a gun too, then it becomes
>> sport!!
>> Bob
>> ><< You must mean a distant descendent of Bambi?  I would guess that the
>> Bambi
>> > of the '50s(?) died a long time ago.  My father-in-law says that
>> in
>> > the wild don't die of natural causes, so I won't say 'of old age'. >>
>> >
>> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> >
>> >Bambi was released in 1942.  The movie was released, I guess Bambi was
>> >then...
>> >
>> >Allen Hefner
>> >SCCA Philly Region Rally Steward
>> >'77 Midget
>> >'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport

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