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Thanks to the list!!!

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Thanks to the list!!!
From: RMiller930@aol.com
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 00:26:32 EDT
Reply-to: RMiller930@aol.com
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the folks on the list who have 
helped me with answers to my questions, problems, and parts over the last two 
or three years.  Some of you may remember my "pineapple upside down Bugeye" 
as it was called during the underbody process.  Every nut, bolts, screw, or 
anything else was removed from the car during the process.  The body was 
stripped of its four colors of paint, and brought back again to its original 
color of Old English White.  The interior is new and correct in Cherry Red 
with the exception of the carpet floors (still can't find rubber floor mats 
like originals).  A 1275 and ribcase were donated by a too-far-gone 72 
Midget, as were the front and rear brakes and its cross-flow radiator and 
differential.  So, after owning the car for 22 years, its 40th birthday 
present was a new everything.  

It made the trip this weekend from Springfield, MO to Kansas City, MO, a trip 
of about 200 miles each way with no problems.  The 1275 setup was much more 
compatible with modern highway driving than the original 948 was (it is now 
benched in case I would ever want to return it to the original setup) and I 
got 35 mpg on the trip running 65 to 75 mph.

The show turned out well in spite of severe thunderstorms and 45 mph winds 
Saturday afternoon.  Popularity judging was Sunday morning, and that 
afternoon, the Bugster was awarded 1st place, best in class at the Kansas 
City All British Car and Cycle Show.  I had a lot of help and input from many 
of you, and without that help would probably not have been able to restore to 
the condition it is now.  So, from me and the Bugster...


Rod Miller
'99, damn, I keep forgetting... '59 Bugeye (and the rest of the LBC Orphanage 

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  • Thanks to the list!!!, RMiller930 <=