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Re: waster temp guage

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: waster temp guage
From: Bkitterer@aol.com
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 03:38:56 EDT
Reply-to: Bkitterer@aol.com
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
Bob C,

The water temp bulb will screw into the 1275 head and it will work.  Yes it 
is to long and you will bend the end of the bulb, I can show you one.  I 
think that you are better off getting an adapter, which is really nothing 
more than a threaded spacer to keep the bulb from coming in contact with the 
interior of the head.  As I recall we just got an adapter from the local 
hardware store, need to know the thread size which I do not remember.  May 
have to drill out the center for the blub to clear, just do not remember.  I 
tell myself that this makes for better water flow in the head and a better 
temp reading but have no data to support such a claim.  A plug for the 
radiator is also available from a local hardware store.

Bob (and Annice)
1960 Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Sprite Mk III (in boxes)
Judson Supercharger (in boxes)

In a message dated 9/5/99 10:56:35 PM, BCAH@aol.com writes:

<< I am still researching the "948-to-1275" switch for my Bugeye. As I 
understand it,  the mech water temp bulb (which normally screws into the 
radiator) just simply screws into the engine cyl head. Is this true? Someone 
said there was an adaptor involved to do this,-----11K2846--------as the bulb 
itself was too long. Am I on the right track? If I did this , what blocks up 
the new hole in the radiator?  Of course, an old bulb from the trash bin 
would work,----but what thread bolt would be used to plug the hole? Somehow I 
get a feeling you can not just go down to the hardware store and buy a brass 
plug fitting. There was thread some time ago about British screwthreads  
being different from USA stuff . The difference being very small.  I think 
this is why why people are just forcing stuff together and getting away with 
it. What do you people think?  Bob C >>

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