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Re: My Rear End is Howling, no joking!!

To: RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: My Rear End is Howling, no joking!!
From: HealeyRic2@aol.com
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999 17:11:14 EDT
Reply-to: HealeyRic2@aol.com
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
In a message dated 8/8/99 8:15:05 AM, RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca writes:

<<BTW I had heard of putting a pair of nylon tights in the gearbox to quieten
>Anyone heard of that one ??>>

Sounds like some LBC'ers wife found a pair of panty hose that weren't hers 
under the bucket seat.  "Oh those, honey.  I just keep them there for when 
it's time to quiet the gear box! " Must be heck trying to stuff them in the 
filler hole.  I have enough trouble gettin 30 weight in there.

AN5, BJ7

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