Right on target! always investigate the simplest problem first.... the lack
of return choke spring caused it to stay open and drive horribly for 3
days.... Seems like some PO used the choke return spring for a 3rd throttle
return spring. $8 worth of springs later from M*SS and my Sprite sounds
better than ever... Thanks for the help...
Toby, who can now pull the air cleaners off in under a minute.
Thanks again...
>Sounds like:
>Twin SU's right? Pull the choke out recently?
>Make sure that the needle seat are up. They could be stuck down even though
>the choke knob is pushed in.
>It would make you run real rich. Just reach under the carb and push up
>your finger.
>Or you've:
>1. Got a bad Vacuum leak.
>2. Blown the head gasket.
>3. Did the Distributor pop up and rotate some?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Toby Atwater [mailto:tob@taltec.net]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:43 PM
>To: Sprite Mailing List
>Subject: more sprite problems
>a full half week passed with no probs... until now... any help is
>appreciated... I'm really lost..
>The sprite does run, but it sounds like a VW beetle (miss firing?) and
>to really lack power under 4000 rpm. Once I get it up into the higher revs,
>it run just like it did... just fine... I also get blue smoke when
>accelerating in 1st and 2nd and less in 3rd gear. The new spark plugs are
>fowled and I just replaced them... little or no change in symptoms... what
>could this be? and the symptoms just showed up overnight (literally). all
>the spark plugs were all equally fowled, next I'm going to run a
>check... but its very strange. any suggestions would be greatly
>Toby Atwater