I would contact your alarm installer / manufacturer, or bypass the alarm
system if you know what's involved. It sounds like the alarm is
interfering with your electrical system. If it shorted, it could be the
cause of your dead battery and the module is possibly an open circuit now.
At 10:24 AM -0700 5/21/99, Swift Justice wrote:
>Valentine wrote:
> Hi Kevin:
>> 1. Do the headlights work?
>> 2. Do the headlights go dim when you try to start the car?
>> 3. Can you get your hands on a volt meter?
>> Sounds like the battery, you could try jumping the car. If it starts and
>> runs while the cables are connected but stops when you disconnect the it
>> is deffinately the battery.
> Car will not jump, or get power from another battery The car is deader
>than a doornail. There is no power going to anything, door buzzer, etc, even
>with another battery connected to the battery, or to the anothe5r ground on
>the body. It's like there no battery or thecar is not getting any electrical
>contact through the battery at all.
>| Steve McGee, Atty. at Large
>| Samesq@pacbell.net
>| Spridget page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/links.html
>| Mopar page http://home.pacbell.net/samesq/mopar.html
>"Only if you are unafraid of the truth will you ever find it."
G G Gerard Chateauvieux
R R pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com
R G Pixelsmith on Duty
S http://www.gerardsgarage.com