You could try to establish where it's coming from by using a 'screwdriver
stethoscope'. Take a big screwdriver or similar long, thin metal tool and
firmly place one end against the engine. press your ear to the other end and
it is an effective way of hesring whats going on in there. Do this at
several points around the engine and when you're near the source of the
sound, it should get louder.
At only 1000 miles surely your timing chain hasn't stretched yet...
I trust that you have changed the oil by now as it will contain particles of
metal from the running in period......
>From: robert weeks <>
>Reply-To: robert weeks <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Strange Grinding Rattle
>Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:24:53 -0400
>My Midget has developed a new noise. It's a strange grinding rattle from
>the engine compartment that starts at 3000 rpm. The engine is recently
>rebuilt (1000 miles ago) and has good oil pressure. I checked around for
>anything obvious and found nothing lose in the engine compartment.
>The sound is present both in and out of gear. At first it thought it might
>be the transmission going sour, it has that type of sound to it, so I
>checked it out of gear and the same sound is there.
>Any ideas?