BMC were far ahead of their time. What they want you to do is get stuck
and then write to the List for advice. You then follow the 'thread' for a
Peter Westcott
(only some of this is made up)
Subject: rear dampers question.
Date: Wednesday, 14 April 1999 14:38
Oh Wise Keepers of Knowledge,
I successfully removed, refilled and reinstalled my front shocks with
relatively little muss and fuss. (thanks to all who helped).'s time for the rear.
I'm looking at my trusty, stained Bentley manual and I can't quite figure
something out.
I quote...
"Remove the nut and spring washer that secures the damper lever to the link
arm."--- Done
"Withdraw the fixing bolts from the damper body and body frame..."---done--
"and remove the damper assembly by threading the lever over the link arm
bolt"----eh? What does "threading the lever over the link arm bolt" mean?
When I turn the damper assembly while holding the link arm...the bolt just
turns in the bushing.
I must be missing something. Any advice would be great.