howdy all
after ~5 months of pc deprivation i'm back on the list
I used to be known as but no more.
now its at least until I can get our ISP to
give me my own email.
The exciting news is...
I was just about roadworthy when my 1100 went into maxwell smart
smokescreen mode in a big way. Hardly a ring left anywhere!
A well reputed local engineering firm quoted $2200 to resurrect it
which was out of my bounds (way out)
So I hit the classifieds and found this morris minor which supposedly
had an MGB engine, but i recognised the 10ccdah prefix (eng Nos reqd
if not registered (state law))
Went and had a look and a listen
160psi in all pots.....
no smoke...
12G295 cast head...
stuck the pointy end of a screwdriver against the block/head and the
other end hard to my ear (as a crude but effective stethoscope ) and
heard sweet whirring sounds and nothing nasty.
$450 later had it at my house
pulled the motor and sold the rough old minor body for $200
and its heater for $50
So for $200 (~US$120) got myself a pearler of a 1098 with 40 thou
over bore and pistons (makes it about 1136cc according to Vizard)
I think a 731 cam, its lumpier than stock any how, and an LCB exhaust!
Not bad or what?
I havent really pushed it but today on the south-east freeway i had
it up to 85mph @ just>5000rpm and she was just singing.
Don't those side curtains get rattley at such speeds!?
I'm pretty happy with it for 1/11th the cost of a rebuild
Its great to be back...on the list AND especially on the road.