If I may intercede here..... suggest replace "conventional" with "mundane"
Send flames....... we are BTU challenged! Right Dan?
NO ARCHIVE (let's see if that works)
Peter C
Trying to get a degree in Madison WI..... just one would be nice!
At 06:39 AM 1/7/99 -0600, Dan & Robyn Theriault wrote:
>Well Frank, I can't dispute your "rightness" about the truely conventional
>physical qualities and the pure simplicity of the spridgets but ya gotta
>admit it ain't no typical family seedan. And for those of us newcomers that
>haven't been around lbc's for 5, 10, 20, 30, etc years...I think
>"unconventional" is a term that could be, at least loosely, associated with
>these cars.
>My problem is that until I can the time to get old Stunt Baby up on jacks,
>bleed the brakes & clutch, drain the fuel tank/lines and then get to a
>starting (as in vroom-vroom!) point, all I can do is imagine that this
>unusual little collection of british engineering is really something that I
>can actually go places in. I'm still trying to imagine what it might be like
>to do the going in this car instead of my more "conventional" Buick or GMC
>Dan & Stunt Baby
>(dug out of the Milwaukee snow but still not spridgeting around town)
>ps. you aren't going to ask me to explain "unusual" now, are you??