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Re: Quick hood (vinyl top) question

To: Dave Brown <davebrown1@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Quick hood (vinyl top) question
From: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 07:41:03 -0800 (PST)
Cc: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
In-reply-to: <363A8185.9B229703@earthlink.net>
Reply-to: Ulix Goettsch <ulix@u.washington.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
I don't think the top will stretch much at this point.
But I can tell you one thing.  If you can barely close it in the warm
garage, the is no way you will be able to close it after a sunny winter
day when you need it most.  You might ruin you front cathces in the
process of trying (speaking from experience).

On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Dave Brown wrote:

> Greetings fellow Spridgeteers.
> I am in the process of spiffing up my white '78 RB for the
> cool weather driving season. I have had the car a little
> over a year and the 10+year old top which came with the
> little guy shrunk this summer and the window turned red and
> cracked.
> Serendipitously, about a month ago, a stranger knocked on my
> front door and handed me a new vinyl top, saying that he had
> sold his Midget  three years ago and was just glad to see
> one still on the road. I was blown away.
> Today, I had a local upholstery shop put the new top  on.
> The fit is tight. It is difficult to close and latch (even
> in my warm garage.)  The frame seems not to be unfolding
> fully. The small bar parallel to and immediately behind the
> header rail only partially indents the vinyl, leaving the
> top rather flat. I am wondering if the vinyl was not cut a
> bit short.
> Here is my question:
> Does the vinyl stretch as it breaks in or does it only
> shrink?
> This is my first ever new top so I don't know  what to
> expect. Should I go back and ask that the fit be loosened
> (If this is indeed possible at this point) or not  worry,
> expecting the top to stretch?
> Any wisdom and experience shared will be gratefully
> appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Dave Brown
> Palmdale, CA

    Ulix                                                    __/__,__        
.......................................................... (_o____o_)....
                                                           '67 Sprite

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