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Re: leaf spring problems

To: GMari58175@aol.com, spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: leaf spring problems
From: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:20:01 -0700
Reply-to: "Alan Inglis" <ainglis@bcresearch.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
I have been lusting after the competition 1/4 rear springs listed in the
Mini Mania catalogue: fewer leafs, less weight, same spring rate and 20%
softer. Sounds too good to be true. Anyone tried them?

GMari58175@aol.com on 10/15/98 02:11:01 AM

Please respond to GMari58175@aol.com
 To:      dthompso@total.net, spridgets@Autox.Team.Net        
 cc:      (bcc: Alan Inglis/BC Research/CA)                   
 Subject: Re: leaf spring problems                            

In a message dated 98-10-14 23:16:40 EDT, dthompso@total.net writes:

<< Anyone have a real good used set with 15 leaves, or an NOS set? Can I
 buy some not-so-good used sets and mix and match to get the best
 combination? >>

Hi Daniel,
I have a good used set, but haven't seen them in years.  Will have to check
how many leafs.  I remember they were out of a low mileage 60 car.  DON'T
the reproductions!!!  There Crap!


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