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Re: Seeing the Timing Marks

To: mahney@central.murdoch.edu.au
Subject: Re: Seeing the Timing Marks
From: pasgeirsson@juno.com (Paul A Asgeirsson)
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:12:34 EDT
Cc: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
References: <v03110707b238adec043d@[]>
Reply-to: pasgeirsson@juno.com (Paul A Asgeirsson)
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Nah, only if you want to lay on your back.  Lay a hand mirror on the
floor, and point your timing light up at the timing mark while kneeling
down and watching it in the mirror. (A prayer stance works well.)



On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:58:58 +0800 Greg MAHNEY
<mahney@central.murdoch.edu.au> writes:
>Is there something "wrong" with my car, or do you all have to lie on 
>back, at the front of the car,  and peer underneath the radiator to 
>see the
>timing marks?
>Greg Mahney in Perth, Western Australia.
>Mk 2A, Sprite, with a 948 engine (and it's my wife's anyway!)
>e-mail:  mahney@central.murdoch.edu.au

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