I'm presuming that the valve collet is steel of some sort here. Rather
than trying to find it by looking, just get one of those magnets on a
extension stick, and run it around the area. Much easier than tring to
find a small part in a dark corner. and the tool will prove useful again
and again when you drop small parts.
At 08:55 AM 11/27/97 -0500, Larry Macy wrote:
>On 11/26/97 8:41 PM so and so Chuck Ciaffone said. (And I quote)
>>Just got the first seven valves seated. Popped
>>the last one in, compressed the springs, put in
>>the collets, and SPROINNGG! (the compressor slipped).
>>Somewhere in my garage, in between the camel cricket
>>corpses and the old drill bits, is the missing collet.
>>But after several hours on my knees, I yield. I can not
>>find it.
>>Anybody out there got an extra valve collet for a 1275
>>engine? I'll trade my first born, eunechal, devil-worshipping
>>progenitor for a 1275 valve collet. Well, almost.
>>Serially, folks. Anybody got a valve collet that is sitting
>>around on the dole, collecting social security, clipping
>>coupons? I can put it to work!
>>chuck ciaffone chuckc@ibm.net
>It has to be there somwhere. Just keep looking.
>Sorry, been there
>Larry Macy
>78 Midget
>Try Ted???
"But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."