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Re: Rejoining

To: "griffco" <griffco@griffco.ca>
Subject: Re: Rejoining
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 05:11:03 -0700
Any reason that you bought what you thought was a GT6 diff?  I don't mean
that as a sarcastic remark.  I say that because to my knowledge GT6's, at
least in the USA, never came with a 3.63 ratio.  They either had a 3.89
with overdrive or 3.27 without.  Anyway, the diff wouldn't be any stronger
than the one the one that is in there now - the diff parts are the same as
the Spitfires from 1971 to 1976 so unless you want a different ratio, or
the one you have is broken it's a lot of work for basically no gain -
Barry Schwartz (San Diego)
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